How to upload and preview images in React

Learn how to upload and preview images in React.js. Additionally, learn to limit the uploaded amount and size of images.

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Sakchhyam G


How to upload and preview images in React

Table of content

  1. Preparation
  2. ImageUpload Component
  3. Conclusion
Structure of the project {caption: Fig.1: Struture of the project}
Fig.1: Struture of the project


In the src folder of your React project, create a components folder.


  • In the App.js file we will import and use the ImageUpload component. We will create the ImageUpload component in the next section.
  • The selectedImages state will store all the image objects that you are uploading.
  • Below is the code for the App.js file.
1import { useState } from "react"; 2 3import "./styles.css"; 4import ImageUpload from "./components/ImageUpload"; 5 6export default function App() { 7 const [selectedImages, setSelectedImages] = useState([]); 8 return ( 9 <div className="App"> 10 <h1>Image Upload in React</h1> 11 <ImageUpload selectedImages={selectedImages} setSelectedImages={setSelectedImages} /> 12 </div> 13 ); 14}
  • Our initial folder structure looks like this:
├─ components/
├─ App.js
├─ index.js
├─ styles.css

ImageUpload Component

Creating the ImageUpload Component

  • Create an ImageUpload.js file in the component folder.
  • The selectedImages prop stores the File object returned by the input when selecting and uploading images.
  • The selectedImagesURL state stores the URL created using the URL.createObjectURL() method. The URL represents the File object given in the parameter of URL.createObjectURL().
  • The below code allows a maximum of three image uploads. disableImgUpload state handles enabling and disabling the upload button.
  • Below is the code for the ImageUpload.js file.
1import { useState, useRef } from "react"; 2 3import classes from "./ImageUpload.module.css"; 4 5function ImageUpload({ selectedImages, setSelectedImages }) { 6 const [disableImgUpload, setDisableImgUpload] = useState(false); 7 const [selectedImagesURL, setSelectedImagesURL] = useState([]); 8 const browseBtn = useRef(null); 9 10 const onSelectFile = (e) => { 11 const selectedFile =[0]; 12 const selectedFileUrl = URL.createObjectURL(selectedFile); 13 14 /*Limiting the image upload*/ 15 if (selectedImages.length < 3) { 16 if (selectedImages.length === 2) { 17 setDisableImgUpload(true); 18 } 19 setSelectedImages((prevImages) => prevImages.concat(selectedFile)); 20 setSelectedImagesURL((prevImagesURL) => prevImagesURL.concat(selectedFileUrl)); 21 } else { 22 alert("No more than 3 images allowed"); 23 } 24 }; 25 26 function deleteHandler(imageIndex) { 27 const newSelectedImages = selectedImages.filter((image, index) => index !== imageIndex); 28 const newSelectedImagesURL = selectedImagesURL.filter((imageURL, index) => { 29 if (index !== imageIndex) { 30 return imageURL; 31 } else { 32 URL.revokeObjectURL(imageURL); 33 } 34 }); 35 36 if (newSelectedImages.length < 3) { 37 setDisableImgUpload(false); 38 } 39 setSelectedImages(newSelectedImages); 40 setSelectedImagesURL(newSelectedImagesURL); 41 } 42 43 return ( 44 <section> 45 {/* Upload Section */} 46 <div className={classes.browseImageContainer}> 47 {/* Hiding input and using the alternative button with our own styling*/} 48 <input 49 style={{ display: "none" }} 50 disabled={disableImgUpload} 51 ref={browseBtn} 52 type="file" 53 name="images" 54 accept="image/png, image/jpeg, image/webp" 55 onChange={(e) => onSelectFile(e)} 56 /> 57 {/* Alternative upload button */} 58 <div 59 className={classes.uploadBtn} 60 disabled={disableImgUpload} 61 onClick={() =>} 62 > 63 {`Upload ${selectedImagesURL.length}/3`} 64 </div> 65 </div> 66 {/* Image Preview */} 67 <div className={classes.selectedImagesPreview}> 68 {selectedImages && 69, index) => { 70 return ( 71 <div key={index} className={classes.imagePreviewContainer}> 72 <img 73 src={selectedImagesURL[index]} 74 className={classes.imagePreview} 75 alt={selectedImagesURL[index]} 76 /> 77 <div onClick={() => deleteHandler(index)} className={classes.deletePreviewImg}> 78 Delete 79 </div> 80 </div> 81 ); 82 })} 83 </div> 84 </section> 85 ); 86} 87 88export default ImageUpload;

Note: In the above code, we have hidden the file type input and used an alternative button with the help of useRef() hooks.

Styling the ImageUpload component

  • Create a ImageUpload.module.css file in the component folder.
  • Below is the code for ImageUpload.module.css file.
1.browseImageContainer { 2 display: flex; 3 flex-direction: row; 4} 5 6.uploadBtn { 7 cursor: pointer; 8 background-color: #2563eb; 9 color: #e2e8f0; 10 padding: 0.5rem; 11 margin-left: 0.5rem; 12 border-radius: 0.375rem; 13} 14 15.uploadBtn:hover { 16 background-color: #3b82f6; 17} 18 19.selectedImagesPreview { 20 display: flex; 21 flex-direction: row; 22 justify-content: space-around; 23 background-color: #e2e8f0; 24 border-radius: 0.375rem; 25 margin: 0.5rem; 26 width: 100%; 27 height: 11rem; 28 padding: 0.5rem; 29} 30 31.imagePreviewContainer { 32 display: flex; 33 flex-direction: column; 34 width: 10rem; 35 height: 10rem; 36 border: solid transparent 2px; 37 border-radius: 0.375rem; 38 overflow: clip; 39 padding: 0.25rem; 40} 41 42.imagePreviewContainer:hover { 43 border-color: #64748b; 44} 45 46.imagePreview { 47 position: relative; 48 width: 100%; 49 height: 9rem; 50 object-fit: cover; 51 border-radius: 0.375rem; 52 margin-bottom: 0.25rem; 53} 54 55.deletePreviewImg { 56 cursor: pointer; 57 background: #ef4444; 58 color: #e2e8f0; 59 padding: 0.25rem; 60 border-radius: 0.375rem; 61}
  • Our final folder structure looks like this:
├─ components/
│  ├─ ImageUpload.js
│  ├─ ImageUpload.module.css
├─ App.js
├─ index.js
├─ styles.css
  • Final result looks like this:
Final Result {caption: Fig.2: Final Result}
Fig.2: Final Result


You can optimize the above code and limit the image upload size. You can use the size property of the File object, which will return the file size in bytes. Here is an example:

1function ImageUpload({ selectedImages, setSelectedImages }) { 2 const MAX_PHOTO_SIZE = 2000000; // 2MB 3 const [disableImgUpload, setDisableImgUpload] = useState(false); 4 const [selectedImagesURL, setSelectedImagesURL] = useState([]); 5 const browseBtn = useRef(null); 6 7 const onSelectFile = (e) => { 8 const selectedFile =[0]; 9 const selectedFileUrl = URL.createObjectURL(selectedFile); 10 11 if (selectedFile.size > MAX_PHOTO_SIZE) { 12 //set error or alert 13 return; 14 } 15 16 //...code 17 }; 18 19 //..code 20}

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